Serves: 4 cakes Prep: 15min Difficulty: easy This recipe is a must for St Valentine. Chocolate is the king ingredient and its richness will conquer the heart of the person you love Mamma Flora tip: If you like extra richness, put a small piece of dark chocolate in the middle of the pudding muds with the mixture just before baking Ingredients: 150g Dark chocolate 80g Butter (+ some more to butter the moulds) 20g Flours 10g Unsweetened cocoa powder (+some more to coat the moulds) 2 eggs 1 yolk 90g icing sugar Tools: 2 bowls 1 pot Electric whisk sieve 4 Pudding Moulds Silicone spatula Method: Pre-heat the oven at 180 Put the chocolate in a heatproof bowl, set over,...
Prep: 20min but serve after 2hs Serves: 8 people Difficulty: easy By now you are all familiar with the Mamma Flora's classic tiramisù. This is an amazing summer version I have learnt from an old lady I met during a family gathering. Her tiramisù was soo delicious I ran to her asking for the recipe. Recipes are for sharing and she was so happy I asked for it. Mamma Flora’s Tip: Leave the Tiramisù at least 2 hours in the fridge before serving, but if you want to serve a spectacular Tiramisù, make sure you prepare it the day before serving it, some dishes are better the day after. Ingredients: 500gr mascarpone 400g fresh strawberries 3 free range organic eggs 3 big juicy oranges 3...
Preparation: 20min Cooking: 50min Serves: 8-10 people Difficulty: medium When my brother and I were kids my mum's present for our birthdays was the Caprese cake. She would make it the night before and I would help her in the making, eating the chocolate from the pot and adding the almonds. It's our tradition and it's her way to show us love. Happy birthday mum, I wish I could be there to prepare it for you... Mamma Flora's Tip: When my mum makes this divine cake she always prepares two. One for us and the other to send to friends and family. They love it! This cake should remain moist inside, so check your oven, you might need less cooking time or a lower temperature...
Prep: 15min but serve after 2hs Serves: 8 people Difficulty: easy Tiramisù in my family has no season, it’s always a good time to make or eat one. It is something so good that means lift me up, it doesn’t take lot of time and makes everyone happy. Coffee has a very important role in this dessert and because we are from Naples we like our coffee pretty strong in the Tiramisù as well. Get your moka on the stove and be ready to be lifted up with my uncle Emilio’s delicious recipe without cream. Mamma Flora’s Tip: Leave the Tiramisù at least 2 hours in the fridge before serving, but if you want to serve a spectacular Tiramisù, make sure you prepare it the day before...
Growing up in a sea front village in Southern Italy, summer means warm nights strolling through the village, eating gelato. Gelato for us is more than a simple treat, it is also a social gathering and you would meet up with your friends and go for an ice cream. Now that I live in London, I miss all this. I miss the after dinner walks with my friends or my family, stopping by the usual Gelateria and slowly walking in the street to the belvedere. I miss looking at the sea with an ice cream, and meeting the people I know to talk about life in general. For Italians, gelato is a way of fighting time, you don’t devour the...